Using Social Media To Promote Your Business

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling fruit or caskets, social media is the most important tool to building business branding. In honor of World Social Media Day, here are some tips to growing your startup using online tools.

  1. Have a defined theme. Most social media accounts from corporations use this graphic to organize and direct their content. This will help ensure that what your produce stays on topic and true to your brand. 
  1. Strive for activity and quality. Social media profiles that post too often will lose followers. So will ones that do not post enough. Thus, a balance must be struck to please the most amount of followers. This will be a different number of posts per day depending on your audience and content. Being active is also important. Because social media was built for interactions between people, you must be active in liking, commenting, and following other users (but be selective about when you interact and with who). As for quality, there are two important points to make. Firstly, there is no secret to making high quality content other than putting genuine time and thought into your posts. Secondly, the types of posts that are high quality vary between Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. Be aware of these differences when designing your content.
  2. Don’t promote too often. Users are savvy, and will be quick to unfollow an account that wastes too much of their time with ads. The purpose of your social media is to provide a human connection in addition to your product/service. This means promotions should generally reflect a change in your service/products such as a sale. Otherwise, your goal is to create a dialogue with your consumer base.
  3. Keep track of activity on your account. With so many tools built into apps like Instagram and Facebook for business profiles to keep track of activity on their account, there is no excuse to ignoring your audience’s wishes. Use these and keep track of what types of posts get more attention, followers, or comments and such to better appeal to your followers and expand your base.
  4. Follow trends. Posts will automatically go higher on timelines and explore pages if they are about hot topics or popular hashtags. Being able to keep track of and hop onto social media bandwagons is an easy way to increase your account’s visibility.
  5. Make buying easy. From your social media, you should be able to easily go to your website, learn more, and buy your product/service. 

At Expert DOJO, we help companies in our startup accelerator to find investment, and through our startup community, we connect them with experts who can contribute to that startup’s success. Social media is just one facet of our education in the Expert DOJO program.