At Expert Dojo, we’ve always been passionate about supporting companies that are solving critical problems and pushing boundaries with innovative solutions. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our investment in (pronounced “Loved”), a groundbreaking company transforming the estate planning industry. was founded by Ryan Andersen and Terry Anderton, two seasoned technology entrepreneurs from MIT and UNC with a remarkable track record of successful exits exceeding $500 million. With offices in both Boston and Southwest Florida, Ryan and Terry have leveraged their expertise to build a platform that modernizes and democratizes estate planning for the masses.

In the U.S., a staggering 80% of the nation’s wealth is held by individuals aged 65 and older, yet over half of them don’t have even a basic will in place. Estate planning has long been an expensive, cumbersome, and confusing process, but is changing that. They’ve built a streamlined, affordable, and secure platform that makes it easy for people to create, manage, and execute comprehensive legal estate plans. With, estate planning is no longer reserved for the wealthy; it’s available to everyone.

Ryan and Terry’s personal experiences with the broken end-of-life and estate planning system were the catalyst for this innovation. They witnessed firsthand the challenges and stress that families endure when there is a lack of planning, transparency, and access to critical documents and accounts. was born out of their desire to fix this archaic system and offer a simpler, more effective solution.

The Platform is an all-in-one estate planning platform that consolidates various silos into a single, seamless experience. Their patent-pending technology simplifies the estate planning process by guiding users through data collection, securely storing vital information in an integrated vault, and automating the execution of estates when needed.

Beyond traditional estate planning, recognizes the need to consider non-traditional assets like cryptocurrency, private company stock, and digital collections. By integrating these assets into the platform, ensures that every aspect of your estate is covered. Their AI-driven approach helps analyze potential gaps and risks in your estate and provides personalized solutions to mitigate them. The platform also offers access to a range of additional services, including insurance, wealth management, trust services, and tax planning, making it the most comprehensive estate planning tool available today.

Why We’ve invested in

At Expert Dojo, we invest in companies that solve real problems with scalable solutions, and is the perfect example of this. The estate planning industry has been neglected for too long, and is poised to disrupt this highly fragmented space with a platform that is accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.

Their use of AI, combined with an emphasis on modernizing estate planning, aligns with our vision of supporting tech-forward companies that improve lives. Ryan and Terry’s deep experience in technology, combined with their personal passion for solving this issue, gives us confidence that is well-positioned for success.

We’re incredibly excited to be part of’s journey as they redefine estate planning and bring much-needed change to an industry that has long been stuck in the past. Their innovative approach, commitment to customer experience, and focus on making estate planning accessible to all make them an ideal partner for Expert Dojo, and we’re proud to support their mission.